
Photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/2RxDCmzxMS2chydc7

I started my trip in Sweden because my uncle, aunt, and 3 cousins live in southern Sweden and I have friends who live in Stockholm. Also, because I’d never done an overnight bicycle trip before this, I figured it was wise to start somewhere ‘easy’ (safe, english spoken widely, lots of bicycle paths). In Sweden you’re allowed to set up a tent almost anywhere as long as you don’t damage crops or camp too close to peoples’ homes. And in June it never gets completely dark, so I was able to ride until around 1030pm most days (one day I rode 100 miles!). Because Sweden is such a great place for bicycling, I was surprised to only see a few other people who looked like they were doing the same thing as me during my 11 days there.

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